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The area of focus for the initial research and case studies includes the Martin Drive Area.  This area stands out by its caring community and rich architectural and historical characteristics.  Early sanborn maps from 1910 to 1951 also show how the area grew around major industries in the area.  Urban community scale and site scale maps reveal further attributes of the area.


While some historical designated buildings and districts are located nearby, closer undocumented but critical pieces of this neighborhood exist.  Two significant buildings, originally, a Milwaukee cream city brick trolley building and the towering red brick office space, once a factory of Harley Davidson stand on the edge of this community.

"The Interlude" of the past

Case studies to determine appropriate preservation practices are considered.  These studies take on approaches of minor to major building adaptations.  Plan, section and elevation of these precedents were researched to obtain attributes of city and community connection.  Sustainability aspects of sunlight and air circulation were also studied.


Case Studies


Groups and Conferences:

A collaborative process was accomplished with the following groups: 


Martin Drive Neighborhood

Harley Davidson

Near West Side


In addition to the collaborative approach with these major organizations, presenting at an urban studies forum.


"The Interlude"

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